Monday, 3 December 2007


16th August 2007

I have just read that an IT technician has refused to fix a woman's computer because, when he took the back off, it was (allegedly) covered in nicotine. The person concerned is obviously an absolute moron, but even worse than this, he is a criminal to boot!

If anyone refuses to work or administer their services in any way, because they assume that just touching an object that has staining on it, allegedly caused by nicotine, then not only is that person a complete fool, but they are also acting illegally under the Human Rights Act.

What on earth would these idiots do if they came to London, or indeed any big city in the UK with a long history behind it? Considering how long people have been smoking, our walls and especially the woodwork in old Inns, must be absolutely saturated with nicotine. Yet, these are the very same places, that anti smokers have now hijacked for their own private use. Aren't they scared that the nicotine might start to creep out of the woodwork behind them, like something from an old horror film, and infiltrate its way into their pure, meat free, whiter than white little bodies?

You can bet your life they're not. They know as well as you and I, that this whole thing is a farce, designed by petty bureaucrats in order to impose their will over nearly one third of the population. But the question is, should we allow jumped up little twerps like this to impose their mentally deficient will over us? The answer is most definitely NO!

If this is allowed, the next thing we'll have is garage mechanics saying that they are not going to work on any cars or other vehicles which are over one year old, because of the build up of toxic emissions in and around the engine. Why not, it's a silly as this IT guy?

If we still have a Police Force, which enforces laws on what is known as "Hate Crimes" then surely this "crime" falls somewhere in or around that category? After all, it is prejudicial to a whole community, and should be acted upon as such

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